Who was the best character in Naruto and Naruto Shippuden anime and why ?

Who was the best character in Naruto and Naruto Shippuden anime and why ?

Who’s Naruto Uzumaki and what are his Qualities?
What are some characteristics of Naruto Uzumaki of the hidden leaf?


Naruto Uzumaki of the Hidden Leaf is the protagonist and most Favourite Character of various people in Naruto Shippuden !
Why ?

There are Several Reasons :
  • The main and biggest Reason is because I learnt a lot from him, Even more than in real life !
  • He has always been my motivation, Everytime I hesitate doing my work then I remember his hard work which motivates me and pushes me to work !
  • His Quality of standing by his Friends ( Comrades ) , no matter whatever happens puts me to think about my friends , their kindness towards me and how I should treat them
  • The dream of finding the answer for peace of Naruto was the best thing I’ve ever seen in Anime’s
  • He never betrayed anyone no matter how the situation got, he was really kind hearted and sincere to everyone, even to his enemies!
  • He earned a Great Reputation being a Shinobi of hidden leaf , which later was known as the Ultimate Shinobi of Naruto Universe 🍥.
  • He worked really hard and fulifilled his dreams !
  • I wanted to see a guy like Naruto, His qualities and character ( Even if it is an anime )
  • He respected his love ones with all his heart
  • He always wanted others to walk the right path, He put himself into every risky situation just to help others , this quality raised my spirit for helping others !
  • His trust in himself (No matter what others said), made me trust in myself too, which became one of the biggest key of my success in every field !
  • These all points are just what I learnt , however there can be another type of answer which will include his powers etc , tell me in comments if I should add it too !
These words I written above aren’t enough to describe his personality or why I like him , but I hope you at least get an idea what I am talking about !

Thanks a lot for Reading !

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